Privacy and Spam Policy

Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd

 Our Commitment

Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd and Ten Tigers Pty Ltd are committed to providing you with the highest levels of client service. We recognise that your privacy is very important to you. Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 sets out a number of Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Our aim is to both support and ensure that we comply with these principles. Further information on privacy in Australia may be obtained by visiting the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

This Privacy Policy discloses the purpose, and how the personal information you provide to us and our representatives, is collected, used, held, disclosed and disseminated.

We encourage you to check our website regularly for any updates to our Privacy Policy.

Your Personal Information

As a financial service provider, Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd is subject to certain legislative and regulatory requirements under s961B of the Corporations Act and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006.  These require us to obtain personal information about you including:

How We Collect Personal Information

Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd collects personal information directly from you or from third parties once authorisation has been provided by you. You have the right to refuse us authorisation to collect such information from a third party.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Primarily, your personal information is used in order to provide advice to you. We may also use the information for purposes related to the primary purpose and it is reasonable for you to expect the information to be disclosed.

From time to time, we may provide you with direct marketing material. If, at any time, you do not wish to receive this information any further, you may contact us with this request.  You will be given the opportunity to “opt out” from receiving communications from us or from third parties that send communications to you. You may “opt out” from receiving these communications, such as newsletters, emails and other marketing and promotional materials, by clicking on an unsubscribe link at the end of an email. We maintain details of the source of your personal information used for direct marketing and you have the right to request these details.   We will endeavour to meet any requests within 2 weeks.  We maintain a Register for those individuals not wanting direct marketing material.

When We May Disclose Your Personal Information*

In line with modern business practices common to many financial institutions and to meet your specific needs we may disclose your personal information to the following organisations:

Our employees and the outsourcing companies/contractors are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd.

The Corporations Act has provided the Australian Securities and Investments Commission with the authority to inspect certain personal information that is kept on our files about you. We collect information about you for the purpose of reporting to AUSTRAC under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006.

How We Store and Secure Your Personal Information

We keep your personal information in your client files or electronically. These files are accessible to authorised personnel only and are appropriately secured and subject to confidentiality requirements.

Personal information is treated as confidential information and sensitive information is treated as highly confidential.

It is a legislative requirement that we keep all personal information and records for a period of 7 years. Should you cease to be a client of ours, we will maintain your personal information on or off site in a secure manner for 7 years.  After this, the information will be destroyed.

Ensure Your Personal Information Is Correct

Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To ensure we can maintain this level of accuracy and completeness, we recommend that you:

If you provide inaccurate or incomplete information, we may not be able to provide you with the products or services you are seeking.

Unsolicited personal information

We don’t usually collect unsolicited personal information. Where we receive unsolicited personal information, we’ll determine whether or not it would have been permissible to collect that personal information if it had been solicited. If we determine that collection would not have been permissible, to the extent permitted by law, we’ll destroy or de-identify that personal information as soon as practicable.

Access to Your Personal Information

You have a right to access your personal information, subject to certain exceptions allowed by law. We ask that you provide your request for access in writing (for security reasons) and we will provide you with access to that personal information. Access to the requested personal information may include:

If charges are applicable in providing access to you, we will disclose these charges to you prior to providing you with the information.

Some exceptions exist where we will not provide you with access to your personal information if:

Should we refuse you access to your personal information, we will provide you with a written explanation for that refusal.

Using Government Identifiers

Although in certain circumstances we are required to collect government identifiers such as your tax file number, Medicare number or pension card number, we  do not use or disclose this information other than when required or authorised by law or unless you have voluntarily consented to disclose this information to any third party.

Dealing with us anonymously or using a pseudonym

You have the option to deal with us by not identifying yourself or by using a pseudonym where it is lawful and practicable to do so. For example, if you telephone requesting our postal address.

Your sensitive information

Without your consent we will not collect information about you that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or afflations, membership of professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, details of health, disability, sexual orientation, or criminal record.  Should we ever undertake direct marketing, we will only use or disclose your sensitive information with your consent.

This is subject to some exceptions including when:

Our Website

Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd’s website may provide links to third party websites.  The use of your information by these third-party sites is not within our control and we cannot accept responsibility for the conduct of these organisations. Other websites are not subject to our privacy standards. You will need to contact or review those websites directly to ascertain their privacy policies.

You may register with us to receive newsletters and other information. By doing so, your name and email address will be collected and stored on our database. We take care to ensure that the personal information you give us on our website is protected. For example, our website has electronic security systems in place, including the use of firewalls and data encryption.

If you do not wish to receive any further information from us, or you wish to update your registration details, please email your request to us. We will endeavour to meet your request within 5 working days.

Our Website utilises cookies to provide you with a better user experience. Cookies also allow us to identify your browser while you are using our site – they do not identify you. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can instruct your web browser to refuse them.

Complaints Resolutions

Please contact our Privacy Officer if you wish to complain about any breach or potential breach of your privacy rights. We will refer your complaint to our Privacy Officer who will investigate the issue and determine the steps we will undertake to resolve your complaint. We will contact you if we require any additional information from you and will notify you in writing of the determination of our Privacy Officer. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you are entitled to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

Spam Policy

Spam is a generic term used to describe electronic ‘junk mail’- unwanted messages sent to a person’s email account or mobile phone. In Australia, spam is defined as ‘unsolicited commercial electronic messages.

The Australian Communications Authority (ACA) is responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Spam Act.  Additional information about the Spam Act and the ACA’s role is available from:

‘Electronic messaging’ covers emails, instant messaging, SMS and other mobile phone messaging, but not cover normal voice-to-voice communication by telephone.

Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd complies with the provisions of the Spam Act when sending commercial electronic messages.

Equally importantly, Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd makes sure that our practices are in accordance with the National Privacy Principles in all activities where they deal with personal information.

Internal Procedure for dealing with complaints

The three key steps Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd follows:

Comply with the law regarding viral messages

Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd ensures that Commercial Communications that include a Forwarding Facility contain a clear recommendation that the Recipient should only forward the Commercial Communication to persons with whom they have a relationship, where that relationship means that person could be said to have consented to receiving Commercial Communications.

Comply with the age sensitive content of commercial communication

Where the content of a Commercial Communications seeks to promote or inspire interaction with a product, service or event that is age sensitive, Ten Tigers Grain Marketing Pty Ltd takes reasonable steps to ensure that such content is sent to Recipients who are legally entitled to use or participate in the product service or event.

Complaints Resolutions

The Spam Act specifies that the person’s consent has been withdrawn within five working days from the date that an unsubscribe request was sent (in the case of electronic unsubscribe messages) or delivered (in the case of unsubscribe messages sent by post or other means).

Please contact our Privacy Officer if you wish to complain about any breach or potential breach of your privacy rights. Your complaint will be responded to within 7 days.  If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you are entitled to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or the Australian Communications Authority.

Corporate Authorised Representative

Ten Tigers Pty Ltd is the Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No 457096) of the licensee.

Contact Details

Privacy Officer:  Chris Tonkin

Address:              U7 273 Foreshore Drive
Geraldton, WA 6530
Telephone:         O8 9964 99O5



What our customers have to say
Ten Tigers has helped our grain operation grow through a well-balanced marketing program of all our grain types in the current season and beyond. Ten Tigers has given me a greater understanding of our grain business through a fully transparent summary at the completion of each marketing season. Ten Tigers has given our business confidence to expand grain production by allocating achievable pricing target levels on all our grain types. Our business can better allocate time towards the production side knowing that Ten Tigers is managing our marketing in a professional, unemotional manner.
We decided to engage the services of Ten Tigers because we found we were becoming increasingly overwhelmed by the grain marketing decisions we had to make. We were sometimes making poor decisions because we had become indecisive and didn’t have clear target prices in place. We have found the staff at Ten Tigers an absolute pleasure to deal with. They are proactive in keeping lines of communication open and the paperwork they provide us with is easy to understand and very useful. The advice Ten Tigers has provided exactly what we needed. They have helped us set and reach targets and we have already seen the benefits of the grain marketing strategies they helped us put in place.
Ten Tigers has been my grain marketing advisor now for a period of 17 years. I have entrusted Chris Tonkin and his team to assist and direct me in the selling of my grains to suit my needs. With their experience, knowledge and regular contact and updates, I have been able to concentrate on the physical and practical side of farming without the added stress of watching the markets and possibly making wrong decisions. Allowing Ten Tigers to be my “personal broker” has put me in a position where I can relax, travel and profit from my every day farming life.
Ten Tigers is a business that specialises in grain marketing and consulting. We use Ten Tigers to help us achieve the best price for our grain, to find out what is happening in the world’s grain market to date and to help with marketing strategies. The best thing is, all this can be achieved by just a few text messages per day and / or a quick phone call while I stay busy growing as much grain as I can. I find them a great deal of benefit to our grain farming business.
In the seventeen years we have been working with Chris and his team there has been a huge transformation in grain marketing in our business. Ten Tigers has made these steps a comfortable journey instead of the hill climb they appear to be when we receive correspondence from all different grain identities and our legal obligations we need to meet. Ten Tigers has assisted us to achieve higher daily prices regularly with good communication and sound advice. Ten Tigers has been an important member of our business allowing us to concentrate on growing our grain with the knowledge that Ten Tigers is there to worry about the marketing, optimisation and filling of contracts. The very detailed information that is supplied to us makes record keeping and entering  details into our accounting program very simple and quick.
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