Who What Why
Working solely for the farmer
Who does Ten Tigers work for?
You. The grower.
Our focus is entirely on returning value to farmers. We do not receive any commissions from grain buyers, transport companies or banks.
What else does Ten Tigers do?
Nothing. We ARE grain marketers and our specialist team is 100% committed to your farming business.
You’re a farmer. You have enough on your plate. You don’t need to add Grain Marketer to your list of jobs.
We are 100% focussed on our growers’ grain, no matter what the size of your tonnage is.
Why should I use Ten Tigers?
You get one chance per year of an income. We know the importance of making every tonne count.
You can keep the tractor ticking over until the mechanic arrives, and we know a bit of wire and some silastic can temporarily fix many things.
But there are no temporary fixes or second chances for marketing your grain and selling your crop.
Ten Tigers are innovative, committed to our growers and go to great lengths to build customer rapport. We are always here for you.